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email marketing & casl compliance

I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.

Andrea Mignolo

Email Marketing has become a very budget-friendly, quick and reliable source to get your message out.  But, is it getting you the return that you are looking for?  Are you spending hours designing a beautiful piece only to have a very small open rate and even smaller click through?  The average open rate in Canada is 22% across all sectors, so check your numbers and find out if your mail out campaigns are doing that or if you may need some help?


Cole Digital Media has an average open rate of over 35% with a click through rate of nearly 20%.  Let us help you get your message across with our proven formula and results.  We partner with Constant Contact to provide you with not only our services, but access to other platforms that you have not even thought of.

We are committed to reducing the harmful effects of spam & related threats to electronic commerce & are working towards a safer and more secure online marketplace.

C.A.S.L compliance should be in the front of every Marketing department's mind each  and every day. It is important to ensure that each message sent meets all criteria and standards set by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation.


As of July 1, 2017 new legislation came into affect to protect Canadians from spam and ensure that all unsubscribe requests are handled quickly and efficiently.  Do you know the difference between Implied Consent and Expressed  Consent?  Do you have a way to prove that a customer has done business with you within 24 months of sending you email message?  Do you have a procedure for unsubscribes?


C.A.S.L Compliance can be very confusing, but if you are sending electronic messages you need to have a plan in place.  Let us help get you sent up and compliant!

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